Some years ago, my friend, Lefty , was teaching a Sunday School lesson centered on the events of the Book of Joshua in the Bible. For those who do not recall, I'll refresh your memory with a brief summary: Joshua opens with the new Nation of Israel about to enter the "Promised Land" that is the land of Israel itself. Of course, this is just after the death of Moses. As it would make sense before any military invasion, Joshua sent spies into the land to determine exactly what it was they were up against. I'll never forget Lefty's opening remark after we covered those basics: "Spies. I think of Usagi when I think of a spy. A guy in camouflage, peering through a rifle scope, learning what he can and maybe taking out a bad guy if he gets the chance." Of course, we all thought it was a funny statement. But, the more I think about it, he was right. Maybe not the camo and scoped rifle part (though I might indeed be guilty of both at one point or anothe...