Year in review - 2011
This year has been a surprising one. As with every year, there have been ups and downs. I think the ups have outweighed the downs. Best: My nomination for best movie of the year (and I did not see all of them) - Battle LA . Of course, I liked it for all the M16A4 goodness. Honorable mention to Muppets . My nomination for Recession buster of the year is my brother. He clocked $100K more in earnings this year compared to his earnings in 2007. And in 2007, he was above the Tennessee state average. Oh, and he pretty much doubled his earnings from last year. Not surprisingly, he did not luck out - he busted his buns. My nomination for best thing of the year overall is reduced ammo prices. I am buying .223 ammo for $5.88 per box of 20 , compared to over $12 per same box just two years ago. My nomination for proudest moment of the year is my son: he is in 1st grade, and is reading on a 4th grade level. In fact, his AR books (not to be confused with the gun of the same name ) must...