One of my favorite shows is The Walking Dead on AMC. Last week - Season 2, Episode 2 - brought about a moment of joy in the house, as Mrs. Usagi also enjoys the show. The heroes were traveling, and had stopped. Of course, zombies are everywhere, and before long, a group of zombies is spotted heading toward the heroes. The main protagonist shoulders his bolt-action rifle, and uses his sling in a "hasty sling" (second picture, this link) configuration. Of course, this sling usage is taught as part of Appleseed training, as well as being a classic use of the sling to help steady a rifle for a more accurate shot. Of course, there is an entire horde of zombies, forcing the heroes to hide instead of fight. At which point, Mrs. Usagi says: "why aren't they using AR15's? Just two people could have taken out the whole horde." Then we shared a pondering moment as the obvious fact of the liberal media's intense desire to not portray "evil black ri...