Thursday, January 24, 2013

For the win

Writing a blog - even a small one like this one - will earn you some hate mail. I don't care how mundane the topic, you will get dissenting opinions. And evidently, there are just enough people out there that failed to learn how to play nice in Kindergarten.

Or maybe the "anonymity" of the internet makes them believe their internet penis is four feet long.

Talk about a false sense of security. Well, I never kept official records, but I did get an email the other day that would have broken them all. This email from a former pastor who thinks I am unsaved because I do not believe in predestination.

Here's the tally:
Lies: 9
Profanities: 23
Misreadings of my blog as referenced: 3
Scriptural references (this gets a big "?" because of the above): 3
Verbal jabs at my wife: 2 (This gets a big WTF?)
Personal threats: 2

For someone like this, I pray that you never again become a pastor until your heart is right with God.

Also, in case you read this: get some psychological help. Really.


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